Direct consultation is free to all to contact Dr.Gurudeva either by phone: 732-448-0667(U.S.A), 020-8144-6490(U.K) or in person.-:- Talk to Dr.Gurudeva and know the solutions to your problems. -:- Gems are considered as the first remedial measure to doshas, malefic effects of planets. -:- Rings made with gems should be open on their backside except for Diamond. -:- Gems can be worn either as pendants or rings. -:- Each gem should be worn on a designated finger only. -:- Gem weight must be calculated on the basis of Strength of the planet in horoscope, Age and Weight of the person. -:- Never remove your lucky gems from your body once worn in auspicious time. -:- Only certain gems are suitable to the person. -:- Gems must be worn in auspicious time to get the excellent results. -:- Indraneelam is the most powerful gem among all gems. -:- Gems yield results in Dasas or Antar dasas of planets. -:- Yellow sapphire is not suitable to everyone, even though Guru is a natural benefic planet.

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Poojas / Homas


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[Note:Some of the special poojas not mentioned here. Please contact Dr.Gurudeva directly to order them]


Sani Dosha Nivarana Pooja

Sani Dosha Nivarana Pooja is a very good remedy to malefic effects of sani.This pooja is best for those who are suffering with sadhe sati(7 and half yr sani), Astama sani, Panchama sani, Arthastama sani, Sani Maha dasa or Antar dasa effects, and Neecha sani in horoscopes . This pooja will conduct at Gurudeva`s ashram temple in India.This pooja only done on Saturday`s at Navagraha temple. Once we recieve request for this pooja, we will send you scheduling information along with proforma of requirements for pooja. Be ready with your Photo, date of birth, time,place of birth. Pls contact Dr.Gurudeva on 732-448-0667 for more details.


Rahu Ketu Sarpa dosha / Kala Sarpa dosha nivaran pooja

This pooja is for Those who are suffering with Sarpa dosham or Naga doshams and for Kala sarpa dosham. This dosham not only affects the native but also affects the children.This pooja will conduct only in Rahu kalams.Pls mention your Name(If need family members names also),Rasi,Nakshathra and gothrams.If you dont know above mention your date of birth,time and place of birth.This pooja will conduct at Gurudevas ashramam in India.We need your scanned photographs also to put in pooja.E-mail address to send your scanned photographs and details are gurudeva_trust@yahoo.com. Contact Dr.Gurudeva on 732-448-0667 for further details and proceedings.


Manglik dosha nivaran pooja (Kuja dosham, Chevvai dosham)


This pooja will be conducted at Gurudevas Ashram.Here the person needs to get marry with Banana tree and slaughter the banana tree after marriage. Priest will complete the death ritual and cremation of banana tree.Here your Manglik dosham diverting to banana tree marriage. Once Spouse (Banana tree) killed, this dosha will be nullified completely.The person either needs to present physically or photograph is necessary. Contact Dr.Gurudeva on 732-448-0667 for further details and proceedings.



Navagraha santhi Pooja

Navagraha santhi is necessary for those who are suffering from bad effects of more than 1 planet. This is also good for those dont know their date of birth`s. This santhi pooja will do in Navagraha temple at Gurudeva`s ashramam. Your name,Gothram, family members names are necessary.We need your scanned photographs also to put in pooja.E-mail address to send your scanned photographs and details are gurudeva_trust@yahoo.com. Contact Dr.Gurudeva on 732-448-0667 for further details and proceedings.


Maha Mruthyunjaya Homam & japam

This Mruthyunjaya Homam is necessary for those who are suffering with Severe diseases,Chronic diseases,Uncurable diseases and short lifespan people in horoscope.Also very useful for those who are hospital bed ridden people.This Homam will do at Gurudevas ashramam. Need the natives date of birth,place and time of birth.We need your scanned photographs also to put in pooja.E-mail address to send your scanned photographs and details are gurudeva_trust@yahoo.com. Contact Dr.Gurudeva on 732-448-0667 for further details and proceedings.


Graha santhi and Japam

If anybody suffering from the malefic effects of the any one of these planets Guru , Budha, Sukra, Chandra, Kuja,and Ravi then this Graha santhi pooja and japam is necessary.This pooja will do at Gurudeva1s ashramam in particular day to that particular planet. You need to submit your date of birth,time and place along with your Gothram.We need your scanned photographs also to put in pooja.E-mail address to send your scanned photographs and details are gurudeva_trust@yahoo.com. Contact Dr.Gurudeva on 732-448-0667 for further details and proceedings.


Sani Vishesa Pooja, Thailabhisekham and Homa Japam 

This pooja and thailabhisekham is very good remedy to malefic effects of sani.This pooja is best for those who are suffering with sadhe sati(7 and half yr sani), Astama sani, Panchama sani, Arthastama sani, Sani Maha dasa or Antar dasa effects, and Neecha sani in horoscopes . Pls mention your Name(If need family members names also),Rasi,Nakshathra and gothrams.If you dont know above details, mention your date of birth,time and place of birth.This pooja will conduct at Gurudevas ashramam in India.This pooja will do on particular days only at Navagraha temple at Gurudevas ashramam.The homam will conduct after pooja and thailabhisekham.We need your scanned photographs also to put in pooja.E-mail address to send your scanned photographs and details are gurudeva_trust@yahoo.com. Contact Dr.Gurudeva on 732-448-0667 for further details and proceedings.


Rahu Ketu Sarpa dosha pooja, Abhisekam and Homa Japam

This pooja is for Those who are suffering with Sarpa dosham or Naga doshams or Kala sarpa dosham.And also for those who are under the bad influence of Rahu or ketu in horoscopes or those life is under Rahu,Ketu maha dasas or Antar dasas. This dosham not only affects the native but also affects the children.This pooja will conduct only in Rahu kalams.Pls mention your Name(If need family members names also),Rasi,Nakshathra and gothrams.If you dont know above details pls mention your date of birth,time and place of birth.This pooja will conduct at Gurudevas ashramam in India.This pooja will do on particular days only at Navagraha temple at Gurudevas ashramam.The homa Japam will conduct after pooja and abhisekham.We need your scanned photographs also to put in pooja.E-mail address to send your scanned photographs and details are gurudeva_trust@yahoo.com. Contact Dr.Gurudeva on 732-448-0667 for further details and proceedings.